Tengaged Outstanding Group Awards Wiki

Survivor Brazil[]

survivor brazil is my first survivor.

20 luck castaways will go to the the thick forest of brazil and have to survive the harsh condtions and ..... each other!!!! this is survivor brazil!!!!


host: massgustavo 95




castaway original tribe merged tribe total votes placement


2 20th place
tyler2112 arara 3 19th place
nathbentley macaco 3 18th place
mira972 arara 1 17th place
messeydavez macaco 8 16th place
kittykatz56 macaco 3 15th place
leothawesome arara 0 Med Evict
jayjet arara 3 13th place
crazylocobeast arara dradene 4 12th place
1ry99 arara dradene 3 11th place
landyd arara dradene 7

10th place

wonderdog macaco dradene 3 9th place
naruto213 arara dradene 5 8th place
rockstarr arara dradene 5 7th place
applepi31415 macaco dradene 5 6th place
jerermylinrocks macaco dradene 4(1) 5th place
18goingst macaco dradene 3 4th place
mark796 macaco dradene 9(3) Co-runner-up
codemeister56 macaco dradene 3 Co-runner-up
bug1oy arara dradene 7 Lone Survivor

Episode Title Immunity Elimated Vote
"WOO!!" Arara Sethlane 2-1-1
"I got the whole five" Macaco Tyler2112 3-1-1-0(0)
"Brazilian Portugeuse folks" Arara Nathbentley 3-2-1-1
"I don't want that" Macaco Mira972 1-1-1-1
"Oh" Arara messeydavez 5-0
"Bug you rock" Arara




med evict

"Boo Hoo" Macaco Jayjet 2-1
"Called it" Codemeister56 Crazylocobeast 3-2-1-0(1)
"Most inactive challenge ever



1ry99 3-1-1-1-1-1
"I can't it's too hard" mark796 landyd 3-3-2
'I HATE MY TRIBE bug1oy wonderdog 3-3-2-1
"Smart move" applepi31415 naruto213 3-3-1-1
" I can't live another day with them" bug1oy rockstarr 3-3(0)-1
"Oh mystery 18goingst applepi31415 1-0
"Ready as I can be" codemeister56 jeremylinrocks 3-1
"How inactive can you get" codemeister56 18goingst 3-1
"Reunion Show" Jury vote





Arara pre- merge tribal council
elimated: tyler2112 mira972 leotheawesome1 jayjet
voter vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote
1ry99 bug1oy bug1oy NV
bug1oy tyler2112 jayjet jayjet
crazylocobeast tyler2112 NV NV
landyd NV NV NV
rockstarr landyd landyd crazylocobeast
naruto213 tyler2112 mira972 jayjet
jayjet NV NV NV
leotheawesome NV NV out out out out out out out
mira972 NV NV out out out out out out out
tyler2112 NV out out out out out out out out

macaco pre- merge tribe council
elimated: sethlane nathbentley messeydavez kittykatz56
voter vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote
18goingst NV nathbentley NV NV
mark796 sethlane kittykatz messydavez applepi31415
wonderdog messydavez messydavez NV NV
jeremylinrocks sethlane nathbentley messydavez kittykatz56
applepi31415 NV nathbentley messydavez kittykatz56
codemeister56 mark796 applepi31415 messydavez applepi31415
kittykatz56 NV messydavez messydavez NV out out out out
messeydavez NV NV NV out out out out out out
nathbentley NV NV out out out out out out out
sethlane NV out out out out out out out out

dradene post merge tribal council
elimated crazylocobeast 1ry99 landyd wonderdog naruto213 rockstarr applepi31415 jeremylinrocks 18goingst
mark796 crazylocobeast 1ry99 bug1oy naruto213 naruto213 rockstarr NO VOTE jeremylinrocks 18goingst
bug1oy landyd landyd landyd wonderdog naruto213 rockstarr NO VOTE jeremylinrocks 18goingst
codemeister56 crazylocobeast 1ry99 bug1oy naruto213 naruto213 rockstarr applepi31415 jeremylinrocks 18goingst
18goingst NV NV NV rockstarr SV SV NO VOTE mark796 mark796
jeremylinrocks crazylocobeast 1ry99 codemeister56 mark796 mark796 mark796 NO VOTE mark796 out
applepi31415 NV rockstarr landyd wonderdog SV mark796 NO VOTE out out
rockstarr bug1oy applepi31415 codemeister56 mark796 mark796 mark796 out out out
naruto213 jeremylinrocks jeremylinrocks codemeister56 mark796 mark796 out out out out
wonderdog NV NV landyd SV out out out out out
landyd NV NV NV out out out out out out
1ry99 bug1oy bug1oy out out out out out out out
crazylocobeast ? out out out out out out out out